Playing The Archive | ONGOING


Emo-Devo Landscapes: Animated Forms

Posted by studiolabpsu in Uncategorized

iSAHIB Steps used data from the iSAHIB project to explore both between-person differences and multiple time-scales. From the visualizations and sonifications of them, we learned a lot about meaning, both in terms of person-level characteristics that are stable over a fast time-scale and change over…

Inoc Visual Index

Posted by studiolabpsu in Ongoing

In Playing the Archive we sonified data that was collected immediately after a child received an inoculation (stuck with a needle). The interest was to convert the mother-infant (dyad) exchange into a musical form. Check out the performance. We continue to work on ways to…

Behavioral Landscapes

Posted by studiolabpsu in Experimentations, Ongoing

According to a paper written by Ram,  Coccia, Conroy, Lorek, Orland, Pincus, Sliwinski and Gerstorf entitled ‘Behavioral Landscapes and Change in Behavioral Landscapes: A Multiple Time-Scale Density Distribution Approach’  it states that the ‘notions of personality have progressed beyond the idea that people are well…

Cortisol Data Sculpture

Posted by studiolabpsu in Experimentations, Ongoing

Cortisol Data is a study by Nilam Ram on how people regulate their stress levels after going through a stressful situation in life. This study was done with 34 people by measuring their cortisol level when under stress and how quickly they regulate it back…