Playing The Archive | Experimentations


Behavioral Landscapes

Posted by studiolabpsu in Experimentations, Ongoing

According to a paper written by Ram,  Coccia, Conroy, Lorek, Orland, Pincus, Sliwinski and Gerstorf entitled ‘Behavioral Landscapes and Change in Behavioral Landscapes: A Multiple Time-Scale Density Distribution Approach’  it states that the ‘notions of personality have progressed beyond the idea that people are well…

Cortisol Data Sculpture

Posted by studiolabpsu in Experimentations, Ongoing

Cortisol Data is a study by Nilam Ram on how people regulate their stress levels after going through a stressful situation in life. This study was done with 34 people by measuring their cortisol level when under stress and how quickly they regulate it back…

3D Printing Data Towers

Posted by studiolabpsu in Experimentations, Ongoing

Progressing with efforts in prototyping, the data towers that Matt has created is now fed through the MakerBot Replicator 2 to print in 3D. This allows for  iSAHIB data to be touched, sensed and held. The image below showS a section of the data towers…

Pen Plotter Experimentations

Posted by studiolabpsu in Experimentations, Ongoing

Moving onto further steps with our prototyping processes, here are a series of pen plotted prints made of Matt Kenney’s 3D renderings in Rhino. Pen plotters as defined by Wikipedia “prints by moving a pen or other instrument across the surface of a piece of paper.” Normally restraint…